Aleesha Young
Aleesha is a professional Bodybuilder. Her birth date was October 10, 1984, and her birthplace is Salt Lake City, UT. Aleesha is an IFBB professional bodybuilder is well-known for winning at the NPC USA Championships 2014. Aleesha is originated from United States. On February 22, 2018 she posted a photo of Kira Neuman. Aleesha Young birthday is on 10 November 1984 and was born on Saturday. The age is 38 now. Aleesha's sun sign Scorpio and her birth flower was Chrysanthemum. She placed 15th. She is currently not married. This is the amount of money she is from her beginnings as a bodybuilder. She was a pro bodybuilder for IFBB and received national recognition following her win at the NPC USA Championships 2014. Aleesha Young (born on November 10, 1984) is an American female bodybuilder who won the NPC USA Championships in 2014..
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